Our Training

Two Streams. One Mission: Establishing a Victorious Life.
2 Streams

Business Training

Stream 1:
Spiritual Teaching

This stream of teaching and activation is meant to allow people to walk in the total wholeness of Christ so that they can bring the kingdom of Heaven to earth just like we pray so many times when we pray the Lord’s Prayer. They are then positioned to serve as agents of transformation within the community.

Stream 2:
Business Teaching

This stream of teaching and activation will provide basic business principles that every successful business must practice as outlined below. After basic business training a challenging homework assignment will be given. The homework assignment will be to put the actual business plan together to launch a business or to improve an existing business. Templates will be given to participants.

Note: This business course is focused on starting and launching a business and will benefit those people who have some or no business knowledge. Experienced businesswomen or men may have already acquired the knowledge put forth in these classes.

Victorious Mindsets

We believe success begins in our thought life. VLM starts every business training with a session on renewing our minds. This teaching leverages off Romans 12:2 and how transformation happens when we renew our minds. We teach how thought patterns are formed in our brains and how we can actually create new thought patterns. We allow space for the participants to examine patterns of thinking and teach them how to "take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5)

Dreaming with God
Hearing Gods Voice
Small Beginnings
1. Keys to Running a Successful Business

We learn from the noble businesswoman in Proverbs 31 four key anchor precepts to live by when we start and run our business:
> Being different lead to profitability
> Hard work is necessary for a successful business
> Importance of saving & reinvesting in our business
> Research and planning are a must to launch and run our business

2. Research Ideas & Build a Sales Plan
3. Planning your Production
4. Planning your Costs
5. Plan for the Unexpected
6. Launch
7. Your Identity in Christ
Post Seminar: The Business Club
The Dream Tank

Host a Business Seminar

Our seminars are an engaging experience where participants will encounter the love of God, learn how to expand or launch a business from a Kingdom perspective, and be encouraged to act on what they learn.